Monday, October 4, 2010


So recently, I have tried changing my attitude, as to have a more positive outlook on school, family, etc. For the most part, I can see a huge difference in myself i.e. more willing to get up early, doing my homework more than five minutes before it is due, and just all around being a happier person. But there are a few things I have to get off my chest, because they are just plain frustrating!

The first is an incident that occurred a few days ago. It involved a friend of mine asking me if my older brother was in to hard drugs, and how my family was dealing with that. First off, IF my brother was in to drugs, its none of your business! Secondly, its NOT my business either. And finally, who are you to judge my family? I mean honestly? Who cares? Does it really make a difference to you one way or another? And if my brother chooses to be some dumb a$$ junkie, that in no way reflects on my parents. He is perfectly capable of making his own choices, and don't judge him for that. My heck people can be so awful.

Okay so my second little annoyance is nothing like the first. Its actually pretty stupid, but it annoys me. BYU fans! Good heavens get off you high horses. I do not get why it is okay for you to rub it in my face that you go to BYU and BYU is the most amazing place on the planet. Not to mention their incredible sports programs right? Fine rub it in my face. But when my cute little underdogs USU beat you, don't make up some lame excuse. Just deal with it. Also, if I really wanted to go to BYU I could have, but in general, I don't like to spend my time with self-righteous people ( I realize this is a huge generalization and that there are normal people at BYU). I didn't really want to spend my college years at a university that basically takes away any chance for agency that I might have. Sorry if that offends anyone, obviously this isn't meant against every single BYU student ever.

Okay. Now I feel better. Not to much new going on in Logan. Three tests within the next week, and I am just thrilled, because it means the semester is going to be over soon. I did find out some sad news this last week. Thanks school for telling me I have to have 45 upper division credits to graduate. Grr...So now I have to go one extra semester. So Spring 2012 is looking great for me. Six years after I graduated from high school....Oh well. At least Jake can be done this semester. And so far the job outlook is pretty positive. :D Just keep praying we can find something that will be well...something.

1 comment:

Emily said...

So.... why would someone think Taylor does drugs? Because he has a quirky sense of humor or because he's not a teetotaler? That's very strange.