Monday, June 1, 2009

In Plain English (Our Story)

To reduce the level of confusion, this story will be written with a minimum amount of inside jokes. Katie (that's me) met Jake Bangerter way clear back forever ago in October. Katie was spending the weekend with some of her friends at Utah State, and Jake just happened to drop by. Neither of them really thought anything about it. Jake added Katie as a facebook pal, and that was that.
A few months went by, and Katie and Jake had made zero effort to get to know each other. Then February rolled around. From the result of an inside joke that Katie does not really know, she broke up with Jake. Plus it was spring training and Katie and Jake had lots of baseball opinions to share. Pretty soon Katie and Jake were talking about more than just baseball. They were talking non stop. But the problem was Jake lived in Logan and Katie in Tooele. Well, one weekend Katie decided she was going to go up for a visit.
The first date. Aww. They did so many fun things, and Katie just knew she had fallen for this guy. So a few weeks and a few dates went by.
Katie had intentions of going on a mission, but was unsure if that was really what she was supposed to do. So Katie prayed and fasted about her situation, and the Lord told her that she was to marry Jake Bangerter. So Katie patiently waited for the topic to come up. Then it did. Katie and Jake decided they were going to get married but didn't know when or when they would even get engaged. Then it happened really quickly. Katie and Jake had a temple date before Katie had even met Jake's family or before things were really official.
Things really exploded at this point. Katie and Jake picked out a beautiful ring. Katie met Jake's family and loved them! Within the week Jake had the talk with Katie's dad and then he proposed.
The sweestest proposal Katie could ever imagine went something like this. Katie and Jake drove up to the reservoir in Tooele. They sat for a while and just talked. They exchanged letters that they had written to each other long long before they were even officially dating. Then they exchanged letters they had written earlier in the day. So so sappy. To make the night even more romantic Jake sang to Katie one of their songs (Lucky by Jason Mraz). AWW! How sweet is that. Then Jake got down on one knee and asked Katie if she would marry him. Naturally she said yes!!! Look out September 18th! You are gonna be one heck of a day!

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

I love it so so much! Congratulations again and thanks for sharing!