Monday, March 22, 2010

10 things...

So I usually don't post so often, but I am super duper bored. So I was thinking about all the things I have learned about myself, Jacob, and marriage in the six months (I know long time right?) that we have been married.

10. I am not always right.
I wish I was always right, but sometimes I am not. Most of the time I am right, but every once in awhile, I am not.

9. I snore. And not very quietly.
I figure this is acceptable, because I don't have to hear myself, and as long as I fall asleep first, I don't have to hear Jacob snore.

8. My idea of clean is not the same as Jacob's.
While Jacob is a wonderful helper and is always willing to take his fair share of the chores, he has much different standards of what clean is. However, he is learning how I think things should be done, and he is very helpful and willing to adapt.

7. I can get away with a lot based solely on the looks I give Jacob.
Once upon a time, sweet and innocent eyes used to get me out of trouble with my parents, but they caught on, and sweet and innocent eyes no longer did the trick. For Jacob, they still do the trick.

6. Sometimes Jacob irritates me, and sometimes I frustrate him.
Being married isn't always the fluffy lovey dovey junk (not bad, we are just past that) that being engaged was. And that is okay. It is important for us to share our feelings, and they aren't always happy ones.

5. Jacob likes my cooking.
Which makes me happy.

4. I still hate doing dishes.
I cannot wait for the day that we get a dishwasher. Until then, at least I have Jacob who doesn't mind doing them.

3. Nothing beats time spent with my best friend.
Even though we are both really busy, and have weird schedules because of school, there is nothing better than knowing Jacob will be home soon, and we can spend some time together before we go to bed.

2. My parents are smarter than I ever thought they were.
What can I say? They were right about a lot of stuff. If only I had figured this out so much earlier.....

1. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Because at the end of the day I get to fall asleep next to my husband, my best friend. :)

1 comment:

Sue Bullough Burningham said...

Nice post Katie! I love you (and Jacob) and I love your blog!