Monday, April 5, 2010

Epic Easter

This year for Easter we invited my parents, my siblings, and my grandpa to come to our house for Easter dinner. And as my father would say it was epic. Easter for Jacob and Katie began with the traditional dying of the eggs. Last Easter, Jacob didn't go home, so he didn't get an Easter basket. So being the wonderful girlfriend that I was, I made a Jacob a pretty sweet Easter basket. It just so happened to include a Hannah Montana themed egg dying kit. So guess what we did?!?! (Pictures to follow)
On Sunday I made a pretty sweet meal if I do say so myself. It was my first attempt to make a Ham and it turned out nicely. (Which is good seeing as I got stuck with all the leftovers.) A very entertaining game of Apples to Apples followed. I am still not sure that my Grandpa understood what he was doing. It seemed that he would just take the green card whenever he felt like it. And somehow "Lemon Meringue Pie" was the best answer for tired and true. I loved it. And as typically of every game I play with my father, he found a way to cheat. And so naturally he won. Until we realized what he was doing. Pretty sure Logan ended up winning. Lucky duck. I am terrible at Apples to Apples. I suppose no one understands my thought process. So that was Easter...
School is still happening. This time next month I will be getting ready for San Diego and the Price is Right. And if Logan has his way, Universal Studios. We will see. I am really excited for the semester to be over. Mostly so I can prove to myself that I am not an idiot and so I can raise my GPA enough to get into a major. Sheesh. That won't be to much of an issue. If I try really hard (which I probably won't) I still have the chance to get a 4.0 (which won't happen). But its still a nice thought to think that this late in the semester its still a possibility.
Its looking like Jacob will be graduating in December, so who knows where life will take us. Hopefully some place warm that doesn't have an inversion, or snow. He is very much liking the idea of being done with school, and starting a job that he loves. I am very envious of this, and continue to pray that the day I graduate college comes really soon.
The End.

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