Friday, April 16, 2010

Update :)

It has been a pretty busy month. With finals quickly approaching, Jacob and I rarely see each other. We have both been so busy with papers, tests, news stories, declaring minors/majors, meetings with department heads, and scholarship apps. It has been ridiculous!! I am so looking forward to this semester being over.
I only have four papers left this semester! It is weird to think I have already written sixteen. Thank goodness its almost done!! The last paper I had to write was actually pretty cool. Our assignment was to "play" and then write a reflection of some sort. So for playing we bought kites!!! So cool! I got a Yo Gabba Gabba kite, and Jacob got an airforce kite. Mine is way cuter. :D I love it!!
Jacob declared his minor last week, and got sixteen extra credits for passing a basic level of Portuguese. It works sorta like an AP class. You pass the test you get college credit, and instead of just getting a P like you would for AP classes, you get the grade you got in the class. So Jacob got 16 credit hours of A's on his transcript. And now, Jacob can graduate a semester early!!! Which means, coming December, Jacob will have a degree! Holy CRAP!! So maybe we won't be stuck in Logan forever.
I, however, still have at least a year left. Grr...Originally, my adviser told me that if I took two four week history classes this summer I could graduate sooner. So I went to register for summer semester, and it turns out the classes aren't being taught at all. So at the end of this semester I will need 45 credits. Which means a year from this December I can graduate. Hopefully, we stick around Utah after Jacob graduates so I can graduate. If not, online school will be the way for me....
I am just thrilled that Jacob can graduate, and start doing something that he loves :)

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

Ummm, I have something to tell you. If you are majoring in history, then maybe you should look into taking some distance education classes this summer, I am majoring or minoring in history and I am taking 12 credits of history this summer- mostly through distance ed. I have a class on Wednesday nights, a class during the day, a 1 week workshop class, and 1 online class. Just thought this might help if you need history credit. Questions just let me know, I would love to have a friend in any of my classes!