Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Uneventful Events...Doctor Laura thinks I'm right

Not much to update here. Spring break is upon us (Thank goodness). The semester seems to be flying by (Thank goodness)! Its been a strange adjustment, going to school (that is like 39.9 times bigger than Eastern Utah), being married, and figuring out what I really want to do with my life. Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband who is very supportive. On the first day of school I made him promise me that he would make me go to class unless I was dying, there was a family emergency, or there was a basketball game. Luckily he has held true to his promise, and school is coming along great. I am so thankful for my parents and their support too! Whenever I have a horrible day, I know my Mommy is one phone call away! Love it!
Next year my little brother is planning on coming to school here in Logan. Can I just mention how excited I am! It's going to be so fun! Even if he thinks I am going to fed him on a regular basis. I am really looking forward to the fall. We haven't decided for sure yet, but if Jake wants to, he can graduate in December, which has its ups and its downs. I am also trying to get accepted into the education program (which is no easy task at USU), so depending on what happens there, we might be sticking around for another year.
Speaking of Jake, last week he produced his first newscast. He was so EXCITED! It is reassuring to him when he realizes how fun producing is (seeing as that is what he wants to do with his life). I haven't seen the tapes yet, but I hear everything went perfect. I am so proud of him. He was the second first year newscast student to get the opportunity to produce, so he must be doing something right.
Yesterday, we went to the last two regular season basketball games. Seven hours at the Spectrum. It is always worth it, because we get amazing seats. Once the men's game was over, we got to run out onto the floor and celebrate the WAC championship. It was so much FUN!! I loved it, and will miss it so much. Here is hoping the post season works out fantastically!
Also on a less exciting/happy note, last month my Nana died. I know that I am slow in mentioning this, but for me, I think its important that I write my feelings. I love my Nana so much! She is the most amazing woman. She has so many qualities that I aspire to have. I will miss her dearly, but know that I can see her again someday. She is the textbook definition of a grandma. She has so much love for everyone, and is the least judgmental person I know. I think everyone could take a lesson from her :). I love my Nana. She is the best. I miss her a lot, but know she is in a better place.

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