Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

So this was my first valentine's day with Jacob. Not having a lot of money, we agreed to do things that would not really affect our budget. We also decided it would be fun to stretch out our celebration into the whole weekend. So Friday we went bowling (with coupon for free games) and because we went in the afternoon, we got a cheaper price. After Jake kicked my butt, we went window shopping :D which is one of my favorite activities. On Saturday we started out with our normal Saturday morning activity of going to the plasma center. Fun right? Jake had a news story to do on animal abuse so we took a trip out to the humane society. I was nervous because I thought I would get attached and really want to take some of the animals home with me. I did want to take them home. They were all so cute!! Especially the kitties and this little black lab. Once we finished that, it was time for dinner. I made us a nice, but inexpensive dinner. It was so awesome. To finish out our weekend we geeked out and watched the Star Wars trilogy. I hadn't seen those movies in years, so it was really strange. Those movies make so much more sense now that I understand what is going on. So that is my super fantastic weekend with my Jake! I love him! Being married to him is the best thing ever! :)

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