Monday, February 1, 2010


So one of my favorite things about being married, is that I get to try cooking new things because I know Jacob will eat whatever I make. So yesterday I tried making pork loin with a ketchup and onion marmalade. It was amazing! And so easy to make. I also found an amazing recipe for ham, corn, and potato chowder. Its so affordable, and again incredibly easy. I especially love this recipe, because I can throw it in the crock pot in the morning and come dinner all I have to do is set the table :D Happiness.
I am really starting to get back into the swing of things as far as school is going. I am loving most of my classes. I am doing pretty sweet on papers and tests. This week is going to be pretty crazy as far as assignments go, but at least it will keep my busy. I have to read "Death of a Salesman," this week. Not to excited seeing as I hated it so much when I read it in high school...That will be a blast... (yay The end.

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