Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Enlightenment and such

It appears to me that I have been oblivious to the obvious. When you grow up you should settle down. None of this single crap for eighteen year olds. Looks like I missed that memo. Oh well. I am not very upset about this. In most states I would be the normal one, and you would be the freaks. So bleh. Wow. This sounds depressing, when in reality its not. I hate AIG they are dummies, ruining corporate America. Stupid bailout plans. I need a new government. The elitist type. Then I could be happy. I got a new job offer. I wonder how well that will work out. I suppose in the way it is supposed too. Bleh. I just want it to be next year so I can move on with life. No more of this waiting crap. Who does that anyways? I dont like it, or approve of it either. Also thank you dear Fido for that lovely song you enlightened me with at six am this morning and now twelve hours later it is still in my head! I hAtE yOU fOr dOIng thIs tO mE mOrE thAn wOrds cAn ExplAIn. Also to you stupid 13 year olds, get a life. And make sure it doesn't include me. This is why i like fourth graders. Oh and my piano students rock! the end

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