Friday, March 20, 2009

The Crap Outta

I literally texted to much. Now I cannot communicate with the nearest and dearest. Whats up with that? I knew USU would lose. Which makes my brackets better. I am just that awesome. For now anyways. I am mad. I cant count. I cant pretend. I cant sleep. I cant read. But I can smile. But I can pretend. I wish my major serious issue would resolve itself already, but it appears it will not be doing so. That sucks. Please don't hate me, because that was not my intentions, and I would never want to hurt you. I love reading. I am happy I remembered I like to do that. I love my haircut. It is happy. And short. And wonderful! You are too! Stop looking at me like that. Creep. Yes! I can be in the club, but its to bad you are leaving next week. I told you I was cool like that ;) Stop beating me up work! We have worked 0 days without an injury. Gay. I can't believe you found my crayons at your workplace....Oops! I wish I could color at work. And play paper folks more often. But there will always be blueberry crackers and raspberry cream cheese. I wish it were letter day more often, but I have to say that I am adjusting better then I thought I would. Actually far far better then I thought I would. I have so much work to do today. I am not to thrilled. So I am procrastiating til another day. Although I have no idea when I will find time to do it. Tomorrow night I suppose will be best. Or never. But no....I love my new Ingrid Michaelson cd. She is officially my hero. The End

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